First Post!!

July 27, 2024

Hi! I'm Ross and I guess this is my first blog post ever which is kinnnnda surprising to me? I've never used Wordpress or anything like that, which I guess isn't that unusual. I mean I don't know anyone irl that has or had a blog. It just feels like something I would have tried before because I have many interests lol.

(Sidebar, anytime someone mentions blogging, the first thing I think about is the bit in How I Met Your Mother where Barney Stinson goes like "does nobody read my blog?" Man that show fucking sucks)

I'll start with a little about myself. I'm an indie game developer currently working on my second full length project called Bloody Axe. I do a little bit of everything (coding, art, design). My background is in music production, but my favorite thing to do currently is make games. But really I'm interested in creating spaces, and worlds. My favorite games create spaces that you want to live in, explore, or escape to. That's what I'm really interested in.

As far as games that I play, I'm mostly interested in two very different genres. Soulslike games and cozy life sim shit. Here's some of my favorite games of all time (in no particular order).

Hmm.. I guess I can also talk about what this website is gonna be about. I mean basically its just a game design blog. I wanted to use this site as a space for myself to think through game design concepts and share my work as I create (hopefully) lots of games over the years. My game development process is...messy. Cause I do everything, so some posts might be about character design, or making assets in Procreate. Some might be about music composition or production. Some might be working through programming tasks. It's not strictly going to be devlogs where I am talking about my own games though! I want to branch out, play more games, maybe play some VERY indie games, and talk about what I learn from other designers too.

I'm not currently super skilled in web development. I took a course on Free Code Camp for HTML and CSS, but honestly I don't think those kinds of courses stick with me, I need to actually make something. So I'm using this template called Zonelets which I like! I'd like to learn more about HTML, CSS, and Javascript as I make this website so I can get better at those while also making this site more engaging!